

RinkaDink runs a Saturday picture club on instagram called #radsnaps. We change the handle according to the year so it has just changed to #radsnaps19. For all you new followers or anyone who's been thinking about joining in, here's what it's all about:

• Take one photo every Saturday and post it to Instagram. Whatever you want, whatever you are doing. As mundane as it is, do it. Because over the course of the year all those Saturday snaps suddenly become one big story and as a whole, they are an amazing collection of memories and moments.
• Use the hashtag #radsnaps19
• Additionally, if you want to have your own radsnaps album (which of course you'll want to) use a second hashtag with your name (or just your own word) at the end. For example mine is #radsnaps19janine

That's it! Easy peasy! So, why would you do this?
• A little prompt once a week to photograph a moment in your life. It takes a couple of minutes and while it seems like nothing at the time, at the end of the year you will have collected a lot of wonderful moments.
• Many of our #radsnapsgang reckon they wouldn't have half those moments captured if it weren't for the Saturday prompt. It's like having a gym buddy, but for photos :)
• Community. #radsnapsgang are some of the best people we know. We root for each other, cheer each other on and generally all have a little bit of banter. 
• Radsnappers get extra special discounts and treats throughout the year. Well, we gotta look after our wee tribe the same way they look out for us.

So, that's it in a nutshell! Want to try it? Just take a picture today and use the hashtag. It's that easy! You will be so glad you did weeks from now when you have a bunch of photos and some new insta chums :) 

Happy Saturday, gang!